What did I learn? Despite how confident I may be in the quality of my artwork, the throngs of potential buyers prefer to spend money on characters that have been popular within the last five minutes. Yoko and Simon sold the most of the "recent" characters, with Vegeta tying with them as the contender for "nostalgic" character. And I think Vegeta only sold because of the 'under 9000' pun.
Which leads me to my second lesson... People like the funny. Or ironic. Which is where I'm going with this current work-in-progress Zelda picture.

Everybody likes a Zelda game. So I'm going with a LoZ themed piece, obviously. Also, for the funny/ironic/awesome, I'm basing the whole piece off of the poster for Raiders of the Lost Ark. The biggest compositional difference will be that Link's pose is flipped from Indy's original, since Link is traditionally left-handed.
When it's done, this'll be something I can sell larger prints of at later conventions. Being more ornate in nature and combining the Zelda motif with a silly homage to Indiana Jones, formulaicly it makes sense that this would sell pretty well. Now I just make it worthwhile by having fun with the whole thing. For the record, mimicing the style and composition is already a blast! Can't wait to start getting other elements in there!
(I'm also disappointed that my FMP? Fumoffu! piece didn't sell at all. Not because it didn't make money; merely because apparently there was no love for FMP... L 2 watch more than Naruto, One Piece, Bleach and Inuyasha, folks...)
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